Friday, July 29, 2011

Osvaldo Cavandoli & Piero Tonin @ Italian American Academy of San Diego

The San Diego Italian Film Festival and the Italian American Academy present:
The grand opening celebration of the Italian American Academy with an Italian cartoon night. “Seguendo la Linea”, a mix of Italian cartoons by beloved Osvaldo Cavandoli and his protégé Piero Tonin, is set to please children and adults alike.

Enjoy episodes of “La Linea” (The Line), an Italian iconic cartoon featuring a man drawn as a single outline around his silhouette.  This entertaining character finds endless obstacles on his way and is often complaining in a funny gibberish language sounding like a mix of English and Milanese dialect.

A mix of original animations by contemporary Italian cartoonist Piero Tonin - who studied with master Cavandoli - will also be shown. 
Piero is the creator of the famous character “La Mucca” (The Cow), which was chosen for the launch of “You Tube Italia”.
“La Mucca” often delivers its dry humor in surreal situations.

Video editing and graphic work is done by talented Italian designer Marco Lora, generous supporter of the school.
Together we will take an imaginary walk “Seguendo la Linea”, following the ageless symbolic line connecting master Osvaldo Cavandoli to disciple Piero Tonin.

Come celebrate the opening of the Italian American Academy, bring your kids and friends and enjoy a family night of Italian cartoons!

DATE: Friday August 19, 2011
LOCATION: 4126 Executive Dr. La Jolla, CA (Inside the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center)
TIME: 6:00 PM
COST: Free (donations to benefit the school are accepted)
Ci vediamo! See you there!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Piero @ afNEWS

Un articolo sulla mia prima app per iPhone e iPad su afNEWS, agenzia stampa quotidiana di Anonima Fumetti.

An article on my first iPhone/iPad app by afNEWS, daily press agency by Anonima Fumetti, the Italian cartoonists society.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Puck Comic Party!

Un'anteprima del mio contributo al "Puck Comic Party", numero molto speciale della rivista PUCK! che ospiterà un fumetto collettivo realizzato da oltre 160 autori di tutto il mondo.
Ulteriori informazioni su questo kolossal surrealista prossimamente su questo blog!

A preview of my contribution to "Puck Comic Party", a very special issue of PUCK! Magazine that will feature a collective story drawn by more than 160 artists from all over the world.
More information on this surrealistic kolossal coming soon on this blog!

Monday, July 4, 2011


Ritratto dell'artista turca Saadet Demir Yalçın - Portrait of Turkish artist Saadet Demir Yalçın.